Picture of Roman soldier The Roman Road
at Reaseheath
Picture of Roman soldier


It has been known for many years that Roman remains are on the Reaseheath Estate. Recently attempts have been made to excavate the Roman Road that goes through land which now is part of the Reaseheath College farm. 

Picture of archaeologist Alex York

Two archaeologists, John Whittingham and Alex York have carried out the dig, with help from Justin Connor, who works in the Engineering department at the College.  The College have fully supported the excavation and provided a digger to assist.


In ‘Roman Cheshire’ by F.M. Thompson, the following is recorded-

"In 1920, a stamped tile of the Twentieth Legion, and pottery of types manufactured at Holt were found at Reaseheath Hall. . . . . . . and if the discovery can be regarded as genuine, it points to the existence of a site in the area".

The existence of a Roman road (see Map) has been confirmed from aerial surveys and detailed field reconnaisance. This road is believed to go Northwards to Middlewich and continue South-West into the parish of Henhull and on to Baddiley Lodge and Wrenbury.

The Dig

This picture shows the top opening of the road at Reaseheath.

Reaseheath road top opening

The pictures show the width, depth and composition of the road (circa 20 feet).  The remains are now some 9 inches below the surface; having been ploughed away.   The layer of stones extend down for about 6 inches to a sandy base before reaching clay.

Below is a picture of some of the stones thought to be from the road:

Picture of excavated Roman stones

Useful Links

For more information about Roman Roads see:




An excellent map of Roman Roads in Britain is available here:


Roman Nantwich: http://www.roman-britain.org/places/nantwich.htm

Roman Middlewich: http://www.middlewich.org.uk/roman_middlewich.htm

For more information about the history of Reaseheath click here

For more information about Reaseheath College click here